
Dave Brubeck, 이 아름다운 세상..

바다가는길 2013. 7. 26. 22:18



 Koto Song






Georgia on my mind

미리보기 이미지


http://www.youtube.com/embed/MMKPCuPd0g0?feature=player_detailpage( Indian Summer album)





foggy days 미리보기 이미지






 forty days 미리보기 이미지


:from "Buried Treasures - Live in Mexico City" (1967)




  미리보기 이미지yesterdays


First track from the album NIGHTSHIFT: LIVE AT THE BLUE NOTE by Dave Brubeck.










weep no more

http://www.youtube.com/embed/bKEuK-ahDR8?feature=player_detailpage Dave Brubeck Vocal Encounters, Carmen Mcrae

http://www.youtube.com/embed/Vh2YnAWUJQU?feature=player_detailpage piano solo





blue rondo a la turk 미리보기 이미지


http://www.youtube.com/embed/JVLIcbUL64M?feature=player_detailpage: At Carnegie Hall (1963)


:First track from the best Dave Brubeck album Time Out. Name comes from the 9/8 turkish rhythms as 2+2+2+3 and 3+3+3 which are played consecutively in this piece




take the A train

http://www.youtube.com/embed/SAwf2DPvPQA?feature=player_detailpage in Italy 1959

http://www.youtube.com/embed/eVwkRU-iYg4?feature=player_detailpage Live in 1966




september song


<Dave Brubeck , "Indian Summer" (2007).



summer song





 Calcutta blues

미리보기 이미지






unsquare dance 미리보기 이미지


:Unsquare Dance" is an iconic musical piece written by the American jazz composer Dave Brubeck in 1961. Written in 7/4 time, the piece is a typical example of Brubeck's exploration of time signatures. According to Brubeck, it was written during a single trip from his home to the recording studio, and was recorded the same day.

http://www.youtube.com/embed/Zn2Ob5PepsU?feature=player_detailpage  :Jazzfest Wiesen 1988





my favorite thing





 la paloma Azul





travelin' blues

http://www.youtube.com/embed/gqxM2kKkd50?feature=player_detailpage :

October 1965



take five






three to get ready 미리보기 이미지


"Three To Get Ready" by The Dave Brubeck Quartet. From the 1959 "Time Out" Album. Composed by Dave Brubeck. The song starts in waltz-time, after which it begins to alternate between two measures of 3/4 (the waltz-time), and two of 4/4.




lullaby 미리보기 이미지

http://www.youtube.com/embed/3TGwzK006QQ?feature=player_detailpage "Just You, Just Me" (1994) 





thank you 미리보기 이미지


Dave Brubeck plays his piece "Thank You", a tribute to Frédéric Chopin, live on a PBS special celebrating the 300th anniversary of the invention of the piano. Broadcast in June of 2000.


He already recorded this tune in 1958, but here we have a performance from the late nineties by his new wonderful quartet.
After Brubeck's introduction alto sax player Bobby Militello plays a solo that gets hotter by the minute. From Brubeck's grin of surprise and satisfaction one notices that something special is happening. Then the mood changes completely and in the piano part there is this lovely Chopin like music coming through. A great composition played in utter extremes, totally magic!
From a Jazz Festival in Europa Park in Germany.
Dave Brubeck piano, Bobby Militello alto sax, Jack Six bass and Randy Jones drums









The Dave Brubeck Quartet:
*Dave Brubeck: Piano
*Paul Desmond: Alto saxophone
*Eugene Wright: Double bass
*Joe Morello: Drums


*Dave Brubeck: piano

*Bobby Militello: saxophone

*Michael Moore: bass

*Randy Jones: drums



작년 12월에 데이브 브루벡이 타계했다는 소식이 있었다.

한동안 안들었던 그의 음악을 그때 mp3에 넣고 다시 듣기 시작했었다.

주로 갖고있는 CD에 수록된 건 빼고 다운 받은 것들인데 운동삼아 산책할 때, 버스탈 때 자주 들었으니 7개월동안 거의 수십번, 어쩌면 백번쯤 들었을지 모르는데도 아직 질리지않았다.

그 중 라이브연주곡을 들을 때마다 그의 공연을 직접 볼 기회가 없던 게 참 아쉬웠었다.

오로라 때문에 유튜브에 들어갔다가 문득, 아, 여기 공연동영상이 있겠구나 하는 생각이 들어 당장 검색을 했다.

유튜브, 완전 보물창고다!

공연실황 영상들이 많이도 올라와있다. 원하는 곡들 거의 있었는데 이상하게  blue lake Tahoe,  recuerdo 는 찾을 수없어 아쉽다.

대신 thank you, lullaby나 엘레지같은 전에 못들었던 좋은 곡들을 얻었으니 퉁.

이런 상황이라면 그동안 이런 저런 이유로 가보지못한 공연들, 혹은 궁금한 연주자, 가수들의 공연도 다 찾아볼 수 있지않을까?

잘못하면 그 영상들 찾아 헤매다가 유튜브의 바다에 빠져죽을 수도 있겠다는 생각.^^

누군가들이 이렇게 열심히 가진 것들을 애써 올려주는 구나. '공유'라는 이 놀라운 세상!